Thursday 23 October 2014

OUGD503 Responsive Studio Brief 01 Individual Practice List of Possible Briefs

Penguin and Random House Book Cover Competition

As you can probably see from my earlier posts in this brief this is the first competition I looked into and still one that I am really excited about.
This has to be submitted by 12pm on wednesday the 11th of march 2015

YCN-(possible J2O)
Although I have only just looked at this competition I know I want to entrée. So many briefs are great! at the moment my favourite is the J2O Brief.
This has to be submitted by thursday the 19th of March

Leeds Art Party-
This is an ongoing post as a graphic designer for The Leeds Art Party. This will involve branding for events and possibly a small amount of editorial design to surround there current logo and achieve greater continuity of brand throughout all their work. I will be meeting up with the 'president' of the part next week to get more definite outlines of what I will need to do.

Nest Advertising for Cellerbar
This is another live brief for the creation of an advert for cellerbar in the latest issue of Nest. I am  yet to get the brief for this but it will be more of a competition at a small scale because possibly others will be submitting work to but the exact workings of this are unclear at this stage.

Possibly D and AD
-I have not seen the briefs yet but I am avidly awaiting.

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