Sunday 2 November 2014

OUGD504 Studio Brief 03 A Brief History Of... Lettering for Salt of the Earth Logo

Drawing inspiration form the various designs I collected on my pinterest board, as linked in my previous post, I have started drawing up some possible typographic designs for the text in the logo.
I looked at quite dominant type to start with a strong presence of all capitals in an attempt to maintain strength when the design is small. I had 'of the' in small caps as well but fond tat this just looked too western in style so I tried a more florid italicised style as well.

This is much more what I wanted to achieve but I am uncertain of the whole thing because it seems too punchy for the all natural, rustic identity of the salt of the earth website.

So I tried a linked type with a continuos line weight to still maintain page presence.

I do really like this despite the slight faults that would need to be ironed out were I to use it. I want to make this digital and play round with it in the circular frame.

I then tried a combination of the two, with huge line weight variations. Once again I know there are a few mistakes here but it might just work. I know that legibility might creep up as a problem when this is shrunk but I will Keep an eye on it.

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