Thursday 21 May 2015

OUGD505 Studio Brief 01 Product, Range and Distribution All Final Designs and Evaluation

Despite the problems with the printing on tracing paper that I should have asked about, these posters turned out surprisingly well. I should have gone down to talk to james about the printing that I wanted to do to see if it was possible, it would have saved me a lot of stress. This in turn would have saved me trouble with the perforation of the tracing paper which I had planned for, but by the time I had printed I had planned for the wrong stock. It worked out fine but it was a close run thing. These issues would be more than surmountable in commercial printing with the help of die cutting.
I am very content with the tone of voice that these posters create around the idea of feminism It has lots of different points of view and representations, and the fact that each person that interacts with the poster helps to define the image of feminism in that poster, exemplifies what I am trying to say with this campaign. I went a long way out of my comfort zone for this project and I am surprised by how much it has paid off.

I like the fact that I decided not to have a set logo, but rather a set of logos for this campaign because one brand for it couldn't and wouldn't have represented it right. The whole point is variety. I also think that this fulfills a need on the website to create a sturdy link between the print campaign and the web prescience. Again with this design I have gone outside of my comfort zone and used fonts rather than hand drawn type. However, I think this work alright, although I, given the time, feel like I could have created some more suitable letter forms.

This web design was very trying for me. Composition has never been my strong point and these designs are pretty much all composition. However, I listened to the feedback given last module and gave the designs space and trusted my instincts and no second guessing. this more decisive approach seems to have paid off and I am glad I have something to add to my portfolio which is completely different to everything else. I am also glad that I created the print work before the web design because I found if very easy to take inspiration from print and I would have found it much harder to take inspiration from something digital.

One thing I would have changed, had I had more time, would be to create scrolling mock ups to show the way I intended the abstract patterns to continue down the page as the amount of content increased. I would also have liked to developed the mobile web design much further, because it is logical to think that people might want to visit the site then and there when they see the poster. I think the designs I did for this worked but would have benefited from being more in depth. 

The website I designed was a very simple and basic in function affair. I considered added extras such as discussion forums that could facilitate the kind of feminism that I am trying to foster. However, I feel this could have edged on mixing messages slightly and the website has a clear and well fulfilled role this way.

The research earlier in this project very clearly informed the design, this was not overtly intentional however and came about simply because I wanted other people to experience the feminist awakening that I did through my research. This is possibly the reason I am so happy with the out comes of this brief. I was so personally invested in the message and therefore communicating it was not a chore and something I enjoyed trying hard with.

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