Thursday 21 May 2015

OUGD505 Studio Brief 01 Product, Range and Distribution Sub Page Development for Web

From the lists that I compiled from my own research earlier in the brief I went on to create the pages of the websites that would provide these resources. 

Because the websites button was taken from the cobbled poster design pattern, I took the rest of the frames from there too, to maintain continuity.

Because the content of the images was so varying in density I tried the layout with a frame. However, I feel that this broke the visual rules set out by the earlier parts of the website, so I simply resized the images so that more definite edges could be achieved.

To create a solid link between the buttons on the home page and the resource pages I Used the button shapes on the homepage as background shapes behind the explanatory paragraph.

A few of them had higher visual texture than others that challenged the type slightly and interrupted legibility. So as if the buttons on the first screen had been clicked I reduced the opacity to 70% which seemed to solve the problem.

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