Friday 5 December 2014

OUGD503 Responsive Crit

Although I used this crit to introduce the work that I had done and the brief I intend to do for the rest of this module, I also asked people their opinions about my current work for the Feathr wallpaper design competition. The response was that the repeat wasn't too busy but the illustration might need some work. I chatted with Billie after the crit and talked about what she had meant when she said she wanted a more sinister look from the wallpaper. We talked about the greater use of pen work and just slightly toned down colours and came up with this sketch, coining it a Tim Burton Jellyfish. I think this was what the style was missing and I want to have a go at reproducing this on the repeat.

This also gave me an idea about different colour ways of the design, by illustrating it in stages and scanning it in at each stage as a different colour way. This way I could have a completely ink version and various layers of colour. This may or may not work but I want to give it a try.

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