Friday 6 March 2015

OUGD503 Responsive Studio Brief 02 Collaborative Practice WWF

Today we had a very informal crit for our collaborative practice brief, in which we pitched the idea that we had developed so far with a few of the thumbnails that we had generated in an earlier meeting. The response was very positive and they had some great suggestions for improvement. The point was raised that something other than the currency would be needed to record the gamers progression through the game, like XP of some description. This would also allow for some kind of ranking that would foster social media responses to the in game events and spread news of the game. Another suggestion was made to help people track their progress through the game, like a percentage completion or a way of ranking how good each eco system is. This could work really well to help the progression from one eco system to the next, making each player get to a certain ranking before they move on.

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