Friday 23 October 2015

OUGD603 Extended Practice Brief 01 SU Work Part 02 Elections Planningand Development of Outcome Formats

Collaboration Partner: Billie Meredith

Although we have been aware f the many formats that we will need to apply our branding too for the elections campaign propper, Billie and I felt that we just needed to go through the cohesive approach of all the outcomes. We talked about the manifesto booklet that will be publiished digitally and how this is a piece that comes out after the main part of the campaign to detail those who are running fo roles. We thought about the possibility of making this manifesto fit with the interior of the guide, using blue texture on white positive space to show how these roles are being filled, rather than vacant spaces.

We talked about how the floor vynls could work as half of the logo sitting against the wall underneath the poster on the noticeboards. This will draw the eye up to the relivant information in a more active and effective way, rather than simply a poster. We also talked about the alternation between the portrait  posters and print material and the landscape outcomes such as the mesh banners that the SU want made. We decided the best way was to include specific justification information in the brand guidelines, so that even in landscape everything will be centrally aligned an arranged as similarly as possible.

We also agreed that it would be really nice to have a sligtly thinner custome stock size if we could afford to do it because of the positive connotations f upward movement it creates aas well as allowing the posters to really stand out amung a load of A format posters on the notice boards. However, this may well not be possible. From multiple talks with the SU and printers (precision) we might have to print in house with a few of the outcomes in order to save money. so regula paper formts mwy well be a necessity. We talked about enclosing some of the print material in a pak as previsusl mentioned by the SU. However, the elongated belly band solution we really wanted would need all sorts of custom hand finishing which I know from experience sky rockets the price. So as a cheaper alternative we went back to envelopes but rather than full colour printing on each we thought about the possibility of creating a stamp of the simple line version of the logo and stamping each envelope with blue ink. This is far more achievable, but we did say that we wanted either white envelopes to fit with the white stock of the other print outcomes, or even blue evelopes onto which we would stamp with white ink.

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