Monday, 21 April 2014

OUGD406 Studio Brief 04 Final Crit and Final Product

Below, the full selection of design work I have done for this brief can be seen.

The final Crit went really well, it was agreed that the idea of a print menu for Rossington street would have been really useful at the beginning of the year. there were a few questions about the posters and decisions on typographic levels, but these were soon answered by looking inside the menu and how it all connected together. They all said that the white belly band was the best option because of its connection to the posters and overall it was very positive.

I am really happy with what I have managed to achieve for this brief but I do wish that I could have challenged myself with colour slightly more. However, in retrospect it is very difficult to see how I could have implemented colour in this chalkboard design. I took a bit of a risk with trying out the hand drawn type but I am pleased I did because it forced me to improve in a short amount of time. I did worry about the scale of the repeat pattern on the posters but I still cannot see a way in which i could have increased the area of the repeat without disrupting the connections formed by the pattern between the different pieces. 

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