Wednesday 9 April 2014

OUGD406 Studio Brief 04 Brief and First Thoughts

I got thinking about what I would tell my self if I could go back and talk to me at the beginning of the year.Most of all it would be confidence building, to say that I could do it, not that I would have listened. The most useful thing I could tell my self would be to use more production methods, explore the Rossington street print room first. They are so helpful down there it really helps to build confidence in the processes with them and then transfer that confidence to the print room at Blenhiem which is less welcoming.
So, I created a mind map to try and define how I could get new students to go and try things out. The first and most obvious one is to tell them where the Rossington Street print room is. The other is to make it attractive or make it obvious what is available.
There are several ways in which I could do this.
-Create a small pack which has a small laser cut letter, a pad and some ink in to try and give them a taste of the satisfaction of printing.
- A menu type thing that tells them what is available where in the print room with enticing and beautiful visuals.
- Postcards or posters of some type that make the print room appealing and accessible in some way.
(most likely this would be done visually, because they are graphic design students after all.)

- Another separate thought is the fact that time management and organisation are things that are difficult to get used to and finding a way that can help new students to ease into this could work really well. This is why I propose a 'never ending list' of some sort which is formatted in such a way as to show that one object checked off is another two on another list somewhere.

the areas I want to go an and research are...
-Menus and menu layouts both digital and otherwise
-Images of print room
-Hand lettering over digital image.
- facilities available at rossington. 

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