Friday 24 October 2014

OUGD504 Canons of Page Workshop Brief 03 A Brief History Of...

After the visiting professional visit made it so clear that grids were essential to web design we had a worksop in it, just to drive home the message! Grids originate from a modernist approach to design and organisation of information. However, how you use your grids can completely leave behind the modernist aesthetic. We were introduced to the Muller Brockman grid. 

Starting out by defining the area the text should occupy by using the Van Der Graaf method we learned during the last workshop. Then we decided the area we got into columns allowing for gutters and then deciding it into three horizontal sections as well. This was simply an exercise in constructing this type of grid so that when it comes to our website we are aware of it. the main issue with this diagram is that it disregards his outlines of aligning the gaps between boxes with the size and leading of the type being used.

We then went on to look at grids in context in magazines and other publications to see how they can be incredibly complex grids tat are adhered to in certain ways and broken in others to create a mixed but united aesthetic.

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