Wednesday, 15 January 2014

OUGD405 Studio Brief 03 In Design Workshop

To start off with we were shown how to set the program to bypass the document window that slows down the opening of Indesign.
-Most of the time when creating a new file document is the only option because all others are incredibly specialised to books and other specific layouts. We were instructed not to scale the document page size to the paper you will be printing on but rather to the object its self.
-There are numerous guides and additions that can be made to an InDesign document to aid with layout. These include column, bleed (average of 3mm), margins and slug.
-The way that InDesign allows multiple pages, yet works fast and allows you to edit quickly makes it one of the best for creating layout for print and generally brining together elements from Photoshop and Illustrator because of its compatibility. In fact almost all the tool safe incredibly similar to both of these programs.
-When selecting facing pages, as we will for this brief, we need to remember how this will alter things like the margins facing in and outwards of the spread.
-Navigating within an InDesign document is made easy by using the pages paler which both allows you at add pages, view then at a distance and move to them by double clicking on the thumbnails.
-Once the document is set up small alterations can be made by clicking file and document set up but this is limited and it is best to get it right first time.
-When working in a document the first and last pages are alway single pages like the first and last pages of a book. If you are not making a book that it is best to leave these blank.
-The type tool in InDesign is more limited than in Photoshop and Illustrator but when working on layout and need a preview of what text might look like in the setting then the options 'type' and then 'fill with placeholder text' can be used to do this.
-The purple guides that appear when placing an object show when it is centrally aligned both horizontally and vertically.
-When importing images it is always best to use tiff of psd files.
- When placing an image do not paste, use file, place instead for a higher quality image.
-To create a frame in advance use the rectangle tool and place the image while it is selected.
-Reducing this frame will temporarily crop the image.
- The circle at the centre of the image allows you to move the image within the frame.
- Pictures will look pixelated because they are low resolution previews, this is why it is important to keep the document and any files you place within it in a joint folder, so the connection is not lost.
-To quickly open and edit a picture in your document, right click and edit with, allows you to do this.

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