Thursday 30 January 2014

OUGD404 Design Principles Colour Theory Task

In the last colour theory seminar we were asked to select  objects and look at the contrasts acting between them and the colour paper we were given. I will then go on to pantone match both the paper and the objects and look at this same contrast digitally (photoshop) and then printed), both in full colour and grey scale.

The red cap has a darker tone than that of the orange paper, yet the red is quite an orange red, meaning the contrast of hue is quite small. This means that the contrast of saturation is based mainly on the contrast of tone which is quite high. The contrast of saturation then contributes to the contrast of extension which also takes into consideration the proportion of each colour. Although this picture doesn't show it the paper is considerably bigger than the cap, this makes it stand out even more. Although the colours are quite close on the colour wheel the complimentary contrast is playing on the already established contrast of tone to bring out the blue tones in the res cap, which in turn helps e temperature contrast to come into play but only is a small way. In short the greatest contrast here is that of tone.

-Once again the tone of the cap is much darker than the paper behind it making the paper seem pale and desaturated in comparison.
-Because there is such a contrast in the brightness of the two colours combined with the fact that there is a small amount of red makes the red stand out.
-Although these colours are not complimentary, they are almost and this means that that are being pulled towards these complimentary colours. This can be seen in the orange tint of the red cap and the green isn tint of the blue paper.
-There is a strong contrast of temperature also, which means that this colour pairing is a very high contrast, although not the highest (complimentary) and s a good example of simultaneous contrast.

- There is a very clear contrast of tone once again, with the cap shading to a very dark purple (this is something that was noticeable in real life but has admittedly been exaggerated by the photograph). 
- A strong contrast of hue is created by the two colours which also means that the contrast of saturation, that is established by the hue and tone collectively,  is very high. the paper is quite desaturated and pale, where as the cap is quite a rich colour.
-The contrast of extension is happening to a lesser degree, although this cannot be seen in the photograph, the cap does stand out from the paper quite a lot, but neither of the colours are very bright or vibrant so the contrast of extension is lessened.
- There is a strong sense of the complimentary contrast  in this pair similar to that above. The red and yellow are not complimentary colours, but they are near complimentary and so are being pulled towards these colours. The red cap is clearly shading to purple, which is the complimentary colour for yellow. This was once ageing visible in reality but seems to be made more tangible by photographing. so in conclusion the most prominent contrast are complimentary contrast and contrast of tone.

-Although there is very little contrast of hue, the contrast of tone means that the saturation of the paper appears much less that the cap. 
-Both extension and temperature really don't come into play very much but the contrast of extension plays a small role both because of the ratio of one colour to the other (small amount of cap) and the difference of vibrance.
- Generally the greatest contrasts taking place here are of tone, saturation and extension.

-The most obvious contrast taking place here is complimentary. the effect this has is to increase the redness of the cap, creating a colour with a very high chromatic value and creating a strong almost painful contrast. 
-Both tone and Hue differ, mostly tone plays quite a small role because the high contrast of hue grabs attention. However, these combine to create a very high contrast of saturation.
- The contrast of temperature is relatively low, this is because although red is  decidedly hot colour green doesn't really have a specific temperatures a colour.
-This is a clear example of simultaneous contrast.

- There is a strong contrast of tone and a small contrast of hue, with the dark green of the pen being made to seem even darker when next to the bright orange. However, the low contrast of hue means that the contrast of saturation is quite low with the pen appearing more saturated but only by a little because the orange seems quit vibrant.
-This could be because although the colours are not complimentary, the contrast is acting. This can be seen in the blue tint to the dark green pen which in turn amplifies the brightness of the orange paper.
-There is a slight contrast of temperature even though green is not associated particularly with a temperature, the blue tint helps it appear cold in comparison to the hot orange.
- Although this photo may not display it to its best, the contrast of extension is quite high, with both colours being quite vibrant and the pen only being small and dense in colour in the centre of the page.

- The most noticeable contrast here is that of tone which makes the pen seem dark and dense in colour where as the paper seems pale. There is only a small contrast of hue yet the tone contrast means that the contrast of saturation is quite hight, with the paper seeming highly desaturated next to the pen. (The photograph seems to enhance the desaturation of the paper.)
-Because of the difference in density of colour the contrast of extension is becoming quite prominent.
- Both the temperature and complimentary contrast are very small and the most dominant contrasts are that of tone, saturation and extension.

-Something that the photograph has highly exaggerated is the complimentary contrast which is clearly changing the colour of the pen, pulling it towards the purple.
-Bothe the contrast of tone and hue are quite high making the saturation differ greatly; the depth of colour in the pen makes the pale chalky yellow weak in comparison.
-Contrast of temperature doesn't really come into play because these two colours are quite temperature neutral.
-Contrast of extension definitely makes the pen star out, bringing the small amount of colour of a high chromatic value into sharp contrast.

 - The complimentary contrast means that the pen is becoming more green and the red more red, creating an extreme contrast.
-A large contrast of hue and and a relatively large contrast of tone makes the contrast of saturation quite high. Although there is a luminance to the pen because of its slightly reflective surface the chromatic values are made to seem on a parr by the complimentary contrast.
-Both contrast of temperature and extension come into play to varying degrees. There is a high contrast of temperature yet the contrast of extension is less dominant because of the equal vibrance of the colours. (this is something that changes when photographed, I would have said that the contrast of extension played a larger role in reality than in the image because the red was slightly more desaturated than is shown here.)
-One of the major contrast in this pairing is that of tone. The pen is a much darker, more dense colour than that of the paper. This contrast of tone alone carries through a relatively high contrast of saturation because the contrast of hue is very low. 
-The contrast of extension is another contrast which becomes quite dominant in this pairing, because the depth of colour in the pen compared to the paper and the small amount of it really makes it stand out. There was a large difference between the photograph and reality in this instance with the paper actually being much darker and so the contrast less pronounced. However, the analysis is just the same just slightly less on all counts.
-Both temperature and complimentary contrasts are barely there.

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