Saturday 19 October 2013

Design Development.3: Alphabet Soup OUGD403

I have started to look into ways that I could create a more subtle version of my high line weight contrast designs, to be used in body text and situations where legibility needs to take priority. Another idea that has been constantly on my mind is the way that perspective can damage someone's impression of something. This is a concept that came from my research into the use of Helvetica in branding and the way that the different brands that used it left behind a certain number of connotations confusing and damaging the clean message of Helvetica.

This got me thinking about looking through something that might reveal the damage that had been done to the letters or reveal the aspects of the letters that would damage the eye. Earlier in the brief I have looked at optical illusions and something that I had found was that colour played a major role in nearly all optical illusions. The idea of incorporating colour into the designs I had got so far sparked off the idea of colour filters to remove areas of the letters revealing the high contrast versions within. Below are a few sketches of these lower case body text versions of my letter forms.

Making sure the colour lenses work is of course pivotal and so I am going to try and get my hands on some coloured plastic and work out what colours need to be in the letter for it to work properly.

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