Friday 14 November 2014

OOUGD503 Visiting professional Talk Feathr Wallpaper Design

Tom From Feathr wallpaper came in to talk about what their company does and how we can get involved. The specialise in small amounts of wallpaper made for people who want something really different. They want something ground breaking and different, that is why they are briefing graphic design students rather than surface pattern students.

They provide support for their designers and the designs are always the property of the designers, ownership is never transfered. They print their wall paper digitally so some colours can be a bit difficult like bright neons and metallics. However, if you really want to do something specific he said just to get in contact and ask about it.

He talked through the target market profile that they had put together. The was a 30-45 age bracket, possible first or second home owners, either way looking at making their home individual and are okay with spending a little bit more (£70 ish ) either way it should be an expression of individuality and a conversation starter.

Consider the scale and the distance at which the paper will be viewed, let the pattern change from different distances. Consider the depth of the design, don't always think in two dimensions, this will add depth to smaller spaces. Consider highlights and low lights and how they direct the eye around the paper.

The repeat of the wallpaper is 53cm by 10m but consider the average langth of a wall and how this will effect the display of the pattern.

The specs for submission are here.

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