Friday 8 April 2016

OUGD603 Extended Practice Brief 08 Letters by Louise Branding Sketchingand Hand Development

Louise talked me through the fact that she wanted some lettering that was fluid and quite ornamented, with an angled base line. She also specifically wanted the logo to be slightly cropped by the confines of the business card.

Taking the key works of fluid and ornamented I produced some small thumbnails that covered a good variety of different styles for Louise to choose from which I would then refine and develop into her logo.

She chose the design on the lower right.

This is the part that took the most time. Developing this design into something more regular and therefore more legible was tricky and required a few changes. One of these changes was a slightly more definite difference in line weight and the rounded terminals rather than curls. 

Something that naturally developed from these sketches was the two intertwined Ls. I looked at how this could work as a small emblem for smaller applications of the logo. This could be done in the form of a stamp that could be used on envelopes and other print. 

I sent these sketches over Louise to check if this was alright with her and whether she would be interested in using the emblem design as well as the main logo and if she preferred the design with or without the gentle drop shadow. The response was really positive and I got the go ahead to digitise.

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