Monday 5 October 2015

OUGD603 Extended Practice 10 Briefs Workshop

This workshop took written form, in which we made notes on another persons planned briefs for the year. Although these briefs are as of yet not focussed completely on typography and lettering, it was useful to get some structuring input. 
I got some really useful feed back. For example, to consider image within the type of my proposed lyric video animation, and to think about possibly designing a font for my app design and look at small icon animations. These are both things that will help me learn what I have set out to learn this year. Another good addition was the idea to create brand guidelines for my 7th brief (photography and events branding) that can be a deliverable and useful for the client in the future.

Something else that has come out of this work shop is another slightly larger change to my plans for the year. One of my weakest briefs (botanical app design) could be replaced by a collaboration with another class mate. Jess, whose briefs I was annotating, has a great brief that is to do with taking inspiration from botanical shapes and creating a publication. We need to sit down and have a talk about this but it could be a great project.

I have gone away and re-written my briefs for a year along with my statement of intent for the extended practice module.

This write up includes the fullcollboration with Jess which we managed to update nd talk through after the workshop. We are putting this brief to one side for the moment becuse we both have to prioritise our COP and other extended Practice Briefs.

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