Saturday 27 December 2014

OUGD504 Studio Brief 04 Augmented Design Insert Design Development

After talking to a few people about the magazine add idea I developed it into a sort of insert or leaflet design. I want to create the impression of something worth keeping and of value so, I ad the idea if giving away a walk card with the route and information from the website, everything they would need to do the walk. I am looking at using a square format because it is different in a tangible way to the portrait orientation of most magazine inserts. I am also looking at transferring over the perforation idea from the earlier development of the magazine add. I now not only need to research the kinds of magazines this would be inserted into but leo how much this would cost.
I also did a very basic mock up at a small scale to see if the pagination I sketched out would function and it seems to do so. After looking at it at such a small scale I decided on a scale of about 9cm square this is because it needs to be bog enough to work in the hands but also small enough to fit in ones pocket when on the walk.

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